March 14, 2022

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Product Care Manager Melissa Swanepoel on striving for greater value for our customers

As we continue to recognise women during International Women’s Week 2022, we’re celebrating the incredible talent of the women on the Kablamo team, meet Product Care Manager Melissa Swanepoel.

When Melissa Swanepoel joined Kablamo in early 2021, she was tasked with a challenge: build the Product Care offering to take the business into the next phase of its evolution.

Coming from Head of Support positions for Rackspace and a NSW schools body with more than 20,000 end users, Melissa has brought her a wealth of experience, which is being applied everyday in her role as the Kablamo Product Care Manager.

The unique challenge that was presented to Melissa when she joined, was to establish a product offering that was both sustainable and offered significantly more value than traditional MSPs. “The beauty of building a product offering (like this) is leveraging your previous experience, working closely with your customers to understand needs and iterating the service in a sustainable way.”

It should come as no surprise that Melissa has a genuine love of people – staff and customers alike. She’s known for paying close attention to the strengths and aspirations of her team members, proactively working with them to identify learning opportunities and help them hit goals.

When working with our customers, she consistently takes a long term view, not only of the product, but of the client’s entire organisation, its future plans and goals which helps identify how Kablamo can assist them in achieving as much of that as possible.

Melissa does not restrict herself to considering what is in a contract, but instead thinks of solutions and support that will achieve the best outcome – which often increases the product’s impact in the real world.

It is exciting to see what Melissa has achieved in her first year at Kablamo with Product Care - 2022 is proving to be very exciting already, and we are looking forward to seeing how Melissa will continue to evolve and build the Product Care Service.

When Melissa is not thinking about her customers, she loves unwinding with long Sunny Coast beach walks with her fur baby. Taking time out to unwind, surrounding yourself with the beauty of nature really helps bring perspective and fresh thinking.



Product Care