June 1, 2021

- BY

Debby McGerty


Have you ever wondered what it is like having two CEOs? Well, we are in a unique place to be able to experience this first hand... Take a dive head first into this and be assimilated

Once you meet the two, you are drawn in and enticed to assimilate to the phenomena that is ‘Kablamo’ (the Collective). You very quickly realise that Allan and Angus (the Two) are accompanied by the core value directive. These values are intrinsic to the successful operation of the Collective hive mind. The Two live, breathe and execute according to “Make with Heart and Mind”. Separating this into components (Make, Heart and Mind) is not an option, and it permeates the business in all senses - weaving itself into the very fabric of the collective and the essence of what it means to” serve/work” here. One of the Two suffered an initial design flaw that allowed his Heart to be extricated out from his rib cage and permanently, surgically, attached to his sleeve. This has been discovered to be beneficial.

Once hired, the Kablamo nanoprobes and eyepiece are inserted. Then, you can see the world of work and business in an entirely different way - through the lens of two leaders who are fundamentally, and simply, wired differently from the rest of us.

Your transformation begins.

First you may see the Two as disparate leaders - one almost too tall, one sans hirsute - and wonder how on Earth this will work? These are seemingly diametrically opposed persons which, at a cursory first glance, simply don’t add up.

This clearly and quickly dissolves as the evidence of a well functioning ensemble comes into view.You get to witness the mutual respect and camaraderie and genuine care/mateship that goes into working with two unique individuals. It is a collaborative, symbiotic team whose essence filters from the top down and permeates the Collective like a new layer of skin.

You see clarity and positivity, an excellent sense of business acuminata: always positive, humble, approachable, predictable, tireless, relentless, with some mis-wiring that results in bad dad jokes. There is an overabundance of attention to detail and a genuine interest in you and your well being. There is an infinite supply of time for you, and a genuine interest in making you a pure Kablamo borg.By allowing you to explore these new environs, enjoy and grow within the supportive Heart of the Collective, all with a net in case you fall, you finally realise that you are loved and enabled. And so, you will assimilate.

Unlike the series equivalent, you feel drawn and excited to be part of this new way of life: there is chaos, but excitement and drive.

You look up to see a person who has been allowed the freedom to move past the level of thinking outside the box to thinking from outside the planet - turning everything you thought on its head, dispelling myths about practicality and normality - replacing it with the freedom to execute on a new level. Like attracts like and the process of assimilation accelerates. You see how this has even affected other species. The Chief Doge analyst, Freddie James, has been converted, his transformation his own.

More and more of the non-assimilated look in and say that they wish to be part of the growing ways of working which are dynamic, fun and challenging. The Collective grows, and with it the power, reputation and a level of production that is exponentially increasing.

The augmenting process results are evident. Once the transformation is complete and you occupy the hive, you see the benefits of working with such a high functioning team. The harmony and value that individuals at Kablamo (the Kablamites) place on each other outweigh any incoming struggles. .

The collective reaches a very healthy level only driven harder by the Two. The sheer drive, passion and relentless input from two very dedicated and passionate people, inspires all of the borg to become one: striving to reach the state of ‘ultimate perfection’ which, in my opinion, is close at hand.

You are hooked, you are now part of the Collective.


